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King's Furlong Infant School and Nursery

High Aspirations, Successful Learners, One Community

01256 327024
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  • Knowledge Seeker
  • Independent Adventurer
  • Nurturing Empathiser
  • Going that extra mile
  • Successful Learner


At King’s Furlong Infant School and Nursery our teaching of  science enables children to develop with an increasing knowledge and understanding of the world around them. It enables children to develop enquiry questioning skills to prepare them for life in an increasingly scientific world. The curriculum focuses on developing scientific vocabulary through hands on, practical experiences to develop a deep and lasting interest in science.


Science is an introduction to the world of living things, materials and scientific phenomenon. Science learning is carefully planned so that prior learning is consolidated and built upon preparing children for future learning. High importance is placed on practical learning opportunities maintaining awe and wonder; it is taught through a mixture of both discrete units and cross-curricular links. The use of an enquiry-based approach, including how to ask and answer questions and investigate alongside the teaching of knowledge provides rich opportunities for collaborative working and for children to show perseverance and resilience. A systematic and organised way of thinking and working comes from an involvement in investigative and enquiry-based work. Practical investigational work involves children choosing equipment, making predictions, testing hypotheses and drawing conclusions. These activities lead to an increased understanding of fair testing and variables and children develop transferable learning skills. Science is as much about finding out what does not work as what does!  Children are encouraged to question and discuss science-based issues that may affect their own lives, our community and the future of the world.