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King's Furlong Infant School and Nursery

High Aspirations, Successful Learners, One Community

01256 327024
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English at KFI


At King's Furlong Infant and Nursery School we believe that teaching English is the heart of all learning. As a school, we have centred our topics around good quality literature and throughout the English Curriculum, children are taught to develop the skills and knowledge to communicate effectively and creativity with confidence. 


English covers a number of areas and are equally important for spoken language as well as written. Children are given a wide range of purposes and audiences to write across a range of genres which has been carefully planned. 


Each Year group have learning journeys through each half term. These consists of 3 stages:


- Stimulate and Generate - In this stage, children will explore words, ask questions, role play, generate key vocabulary.  This stage has many opportunities to talk which we believe is a fundamental skill to have. 


- Capture, Sift and Sort - In this stage, childen may be taught specific skills, learning spelling and grammar and punctuation and also planning their writing. 


- Create, Refine and Evaluate - This is the final stage where children will apply all the skills from this particular learning journey. Children will be given the opportunities to edit and respond to feedback. The children will also have opportunities to present their work to the chosen audience, giving their writing a purpose. 

Reading at KFI


At King's Furlong Infant School and Nursery School, we recognise the importance of practising sounds and embedding reading skills taught in school. From Reception year, books are closely matched to children's phonics abilities; texts also support the practising of newly taught sounds.