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King's Furlong Infant School and Nursery

High Aspirations, Successful Learners, One Community

01256 327024
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  • Knowledge Seeker
  • Independent Adventurer
  • Nurturing Empathiser
  • Going that extra mile
  • Successful Learner

Our KINGS Values

King’s Furlong Infant School and Nursery provides an excellent start to school life and offers a platform for positive achievement and the nurture of individual talents. We are highly inclusive and staff are committed to providing the highest quality Early Years and Infant education for all children.


We are a nurturing school and, as such, we provide excellent pastoral support for all. Our children are vivacious and confident and thrive on new challenges and exciting experiences. Our ‘KINGS Values' provide the structure and support for children to develop positive learning habits, to develop a growth mind set and to recognise the importance of their own creative thinking. All of these attributes are vital to developing successful citizens who will enjoy positive experiences and success in later life.


We strongly believe that our commitment to working in partnership with parents is the key to success for our children. We value our open communication with families and aim to ensure that all feel informed and involved in their children's learning.


The intention of our curriculum is to create a programme of learning that focuses on core skills acquisition, is highly relevant and inspirational for our children, but, most importantly, is flexible and adaptable to prepare our children to cope with the demands of a rapidly changing society.


We know that children learn most effectively when they are actively involved and understand the purpose behind their lessons. Careful assessment of children's current knowledge and understanding enables us to focus precisely on 'next steps' in learning. It also provides a valuable insight into the interests of the children so that we can shape projects to heighten engagement and motivation and, thus, maximise learning outcomes.


Our richly diverse school recognises and values the importance of Promoting Fundamental British Values and developing the social, moral, spiritual and emotional aspects of our children’s learning. Opportunities to explore and understand these issues weave through our curriculum and, where relevant to the age of our children, we challenge extremist and radical behaviour.


We believe that a high quality environment and modern resources are essential to enable children to achieve excellent progress. Our bright, spacious classrooms are equipped with the latest technologies, our library is well resourced and we provide a wealth of resources to enhance all areas of the curriculum.