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King's Furlong Infant School and Nursery

High Aspirations, Successful Learners, One Community

01256 327024
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  • Knowledge Seeker
  • Independent Adventurer
  • Nurturing Empathiser
  • Going that extra mile
  • Successful Learner


At King’s Furlong Infant School and Nursery our teaching of  religious education aims to prepare our children for life, in the increasingly diverse society in which we live, so that they can respect religious and cultural differences and contribute to their community.


RE is taught through an enquiry-based approach and provides opportunities for all pupils to explore questions, experiences and concepts whilst at the same time developing a good knowledge, understanding and respect of different faiths.


Children are encouraged to articulate their personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences demonstrating respect towards others. Religious education does not seek to promote religious beliefs on children by promoting one religion or culture over another, instead it allows children opportunity for children to make sense of their own place in the world.


RE is taught through an enquiry-based approach and provides opportunities for all pupils to explore questions, experiences and concepts related to identity and what it means to be human, whilst at the same time developing a good knowledge and understanding of the principal faiths in Britain. We promote an inclusive approach to the teaching RE; it also contributes to developing children’s personal development and wellbeing, promoting mutual respect and tolerance in a diverse society.


Our RE curriculum is based on the Hampshire’s Agreed Syllabus, Living Difference. We encourage the promotion of learning about religious traditions giving children opportunity to  reflect on what the religious ideas and concepts mean to them. Our teaching enables children to extend their own sense of values, and promotes their spiritual growth and development. We encourage children to think about their own views and values in relation to the themes and topics studied in the RE curriculum.

We promote an environment where all children feel known, accepted, and valued as individuals, within a caring community. We believe that it is fundamental for the children to belong to a safe and nurturing community, founded on strong values where children will develop an array of skills that will enable them to make their own positive contribution to our diverse community.